Plan for Student Success

Navigating Today

  • Back to School - Working collaboratively with the community, state, and administrators to ensure every student can be back in school safely as soon as possible.

  • Academic Growth - Developing plans to address gaps resulting from the stress and confusion of the pandemic and online learning, helping students regain their best level of performance.

  • Strong Leadership - Working with their fellow Board members to identify, recruit, and retain an exceptional new Superintendent who is squarely focused on representing the interests of everyone involved: students, parents, staff, and the community at large.

  • Trust & Transparency - Communicating clearly and consistently to the community at large, parents, students, and staff. Engaging all stakeholders proactively to ensure that everyone is heard.

Leading into Tomorrow

  • Legacy of Excellence - Continuing our history of academic excellence in performance, curriculum, athletics, teaching, and nurturing the whole student.

  • Student Success - Actively working toward the goal of ensuring all students, wherever they are, are growing academically, socially, and emotionally to their fullest potential and to the standards set at each level.

  • Leadership for the Future - Hiring, retaining, and encouraging the growth of outstanding teachers and administrators to ensure we have the right talent and leadership to serve the needs of our students and the community at large.

  • Innovation - Creating learning environments to serve every student to maximize their potential and growth.

  • Financial Strength - Providing strong oversight and financial planning to ensure we retain our districts’ AAA bond ratings and have the financial means to proactively grow our academic curriculum while being prepared for unforeseen events and needs.

  • Vision & Foresight - Staying current and looking ahead to new educational trends and realities to ensure our districts will equip our students with the new skills an ever-changing world demands.